Pest Cleanup Program

Getting rid of the dust and grime associated with pests is a specialized skill.

You may be all about cleaning, but sometimes you shouldn’t do it yourself. Using the wrong equipment can lead to air contamination in your home. Our Pest Cleanup Program includes pest and rodent cleanup services using a HEPA vacuum to make sure the dust mites, cockroach casings, rodent droppings, and any dirt stays inside the vacuum and doesn’t infiltrate your air. We will also perform our professional disinfectant treatment – Western PurClean™. This treatment includes wiping down all surfaces and then misting it into the room. That way, no surface gets missed. While we are there, our eagle-eyed techs can inspect your attic insulation as well as your basement and crawlspaces for signs of moisture and/or pest activity. All in one visit!

  • HEPA vacuums hold airborne pathogens in
  • Professional disinfectant can get everywhere
  • Cleans up dust mites, rodent droppings, and cockroach casings
  • Takes care of urine-soaked nesting materials & debris, feces, and more
  • Full disinfectant service will provide a clean slate
  • Safely cleans up what you may not be able to see
GET MY QUOTE (800) 768-6109

Why Western?

Not only have we been keeping homes safe from pests and the bacteria and diseases they can bring with them for about 100 years in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware, and Pennsylvania, but we have the experts to back it all up. Experience and expertise is what you get when you bring in Western Pest Services. So if you’re wondering what to do after you’ve had a mouse, cockroach, or any other pest infestation, you call Western Pest Services.

“We installed your Termite Defensive a number of years ago and have not seen even one termite since the system was installed.”

Tammy T.
Edison, NJ