A place for prayer is not a place for pests.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
24-Hour Guaranteed Response
Board Certified Entomologists
Religious building including temples, churches, mosques, and synagogues have people coming in and out all the time. Between doors opening and closing allowing cockroaches, flies, and many other pests to enter and bed bugs hitchhiking in on parishioners’ clothing, you need special consideration from your pest control company. In addition, many churches have daycare centers and full working kitchens – both of which can attract cockroaches, flies, rats, and mice. The Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies and solutions we use will help your religious building keep more pests out – but our Board Certified Entomologists will use their knowledge and expertise to deal with any that have already gotten in so you can protect your parishioners from insect and the diseases they can bring with them.
It may sound cliché, but bats in the belfry is a real problem and so are squirrels in the attic! Many religious buildings may be considered commercial properties, but they are residential in nature. The people that come to your building need to know their place of prayer is safe to enter. That’s why we not only can deal with pests like a professional exterminator, but we can provide a professional Western PurClean™ disinfectant treatment and even scenting services that can induce a feeling of calm that is already associated with a spiritual building like yours.
“We installed your Termite Defensive a number of years ago and have not seen even one termite since the system was installed.”