Pest Control & Exterminator Services
in Morris & Sussex County, NJ

Keeping pest out of homes and businesses since 1928.

Pest Control in New Jersey

905 NJ-10
Randolph, NJ 07869
Residential & Commercial Services
(800) 768-6109

Hours of Operation:

Monday: 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Thursday: 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday: 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday: 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Sunday: Closed

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(800) 768-6109
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We provide Morris and Sussex Counties with top-notch pest control.

Both the Morris County and Sussex County areas, like most of NJ, has a humid and pest-friendly climate. That means the usual pest control suspects come out to play — cockroaches, rodents, bees, you name it. Bed bugs can also become a lingering problem for local hotels and homes alike. It’s tough to fight pests on your own, but thankfully our team of pros has been serving both Morris and Sussex County areas for years. Homeowners and business owners in New Jersey both need a pest control company that understand the pests in the area, the area itself, and the pest treatments that will get rid of ants, mosquitoes, termites, bed bugs, and any other pest that may be bugging you. We can provide fast service when you need it most because we are the pest exterminator near you. Guaranteed.

Let Western Help with Pest Control in Morris & Sussex Counties

Q&A With Our Morris & Sussex County Branch Manager

Q: What are the most common pest issues that home and business owners face in Morris and Sussex Counties?

A: Some of the most common pests in my area are mice, squirrels, and carpenter ants. Seasonally, mosquitoes and ticks are also very prevalent.

Q: How do the seasons affect pest activity around Sussex and Morris County?

A: Mice definitely follow patterns of entry due to environmental conditions such as drought, cold, etc. This year, drought conditions have caused issues with occasional invaders such as millipedes and clover mites. Early spring brings out ticks as well as ants. Summer is peak for mosquitoes, wasps, and a host of other crawling insects.

Q: What are some common signs of pest activity around homes?

A: Obviously the pest itself. A homeowner may see rats, mice, yellow jackets, and other pests in or around their home. Other signs can include rodent or bat droppings, gnaw marks and grease rubs, dead insects, damaged food products, and burrows in the yard. These are all common signs of pest presence.

Q: When should property owners call Western Pest Services?

A: I would strongly recommend homeowners take full advantage of our free inspections. An inspection is an excellent proactive approach rather than waiting until a pest issue is discovered. Western offers a full range of programs to protect your home, including our Home Protection Plan and Home Protection Plan Plus, tick and mosquito reduction programs, and termite plans, to name a few. The key to pest management is not to wait for a problem. Regular maintenance is essential.

Q: Anything else to add?

A: A relatively new species to the area, the spotted lanternfly is also a problem around here. They will fly right into your head and can wreak havoc on local trees and plants. We can deal with them at every stage of life so don’t wait with this one.