Real Estate Agents

You think about selling the house – let us think about the pest control

Our Services

Between maintaining your social media presence in the state you’re licensed for real estate, staging homes, and being at all the open houses, you have enough to handle. You need a partner you can trust to take care of things you don’t want to have to do yourself. Western Pest Services has been doing this since 1928. We have the top-notch reputation you require when you associate yourself with a business. We can be that partner to you.

WDIR (Wood Destroying Insect Report)

To ensure your property doesn’t have wood-destroying insects, we will get you this report quickly. We will even include a diagram of the structure.

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Western PurClean™

Your client’s peace of mind comes with killing 99.99% of about 50 bacteria, fungi, pathogens, and viruses including the causal agent of COVID-19.

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Exclusion Services

We will both escort wildlife out and install exclusions and deterrents to keep them. Don’t let birds, squirrel, bats, and other pests delay your sale.

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GET MY QUOTE (800) 768-6109

Why Western?

We have been at this since 1928. We have several locations throughout the tristate area, so we live and work in the area where you are selling or buying a home. Our highly trained, certified, and experienced technicians and inspectors are passionate about pest and pathogen control because it’s their neighborhood, too.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

We are able to offer you a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Anyone can provide a guarantee, but since we have been around so long, we can also clearly stand behind it. We don’t stop until we have completed the job and you are satisfied.

Trusted Partner

Any company you use is a reflection on you as a real estate agent. You can trust us to be that partner. With our guarantee, our Board Certified entomologists on staff, and our fully licensed and trained team, every step of the process will make you look even better to your clients than you already do.


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“We installed your Termite Defensive a number of years ago and have not seen even one termite since the system was installed.”

Tammy T.
Edison, NJ